• Creativity and discovery,  Motivation,  Poetry

    Throwback Thursday: “Make music of what you can”

      Good morning, friends! Today I’m re-posting an old favorite for new subscribers…   I always knew I wanted to be a writer. When I was a kid, I perched in the gnarly apple tree in my backyard and scribbled stories in a notebook with lined pages. In college I majored in English and journalism, but it took a few more years to find the courage (and the income) I needed to begin a real writing career. The zig-zag path that led me here was marked with detours and littered with excuses. After graduation, I worked at other jobs where I learned some valuable lessons — including what I didn’t…

  • Books change lives


    “Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.” ~Mary Schmich, journalist Today’s quote reminds us that anyone who loves to read is a fellow traveler. Reading opens us to new worlds and ideas — just as touring a foreign country introduces us to different scenery and culture. Likewise, reading a good novel, biography or memoir can coax us out of self-absorption or loneliness — and away from our worries. If you’re stuck in a waiting room, for instance, a good book or magazine will help you pass the time. And as any book club member will agree, books are wonderful conversation starters. Why not visit your local library or book store…

  • Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes

    More joy, please

    “When we place our attention on joy, we become more joyful. The world seems more benevolent.” ~Martha Beck When I focus on the horror stories in the news — such as daily mass shootings — I catch myself feeling angry, hopeless, fearful or depressed. I start to wonder if I’m a moving target on a giant shooting range. But the worst part, really, is that I lose sight of all the goodness that still exists or occurs around me. At lunch yesterday afternoon, a couple of friends shared recent experiences that involved the kindness and generosity of some lovely people they know. Happy stories. As they recounted these experiences, their…

  • Change and challenge,  Health & wellbeing,  Motivation,  Personal growth

    Mining for treasure

    “I am a firm believer that every few years one needs to shake one’s life through a sieve, like a miner in the Yukon. The gold nuggets remain. The rest falls through like the soft earth it is.” ~Amy Poehler, Yes Please At the start of this year, I didn’t make traditional “resolutions.” Instead, I decided to make a few healthy changes. Just for starters, I had noticed that I can’t process alcohol like I did when I was younger, nor was my blood pressure benefitting from the salt I was shaking freely on my meals. So I stopped drinking alcohol, and I rarely reach for a salt shaker without…

  • Art & Creativity,  Gardening,  Inspirational quotes,  Motivation


    “During the times we think we’re being ‘unproductive,’ the seeds of new worlds are germinating within us, and they need peace to grow.” ~Martha Beck Somewhere along the line, I bought into the notion that I need to be working on something 24/7. I feel like a slacker if I’m not writing an article, teaching classes, organizing my home, digging in the yard, or otherwise being productive. You too? We live in a culture that celebrates busyness — so it’s not surprising that most of us are ashamed to admit that we need some time off. We’re afraid to be still. Or maybe we’re afraid that we’ll lose momentum. Today,…