Community spirit

  • Community spirit,  Friendship and relationship advice

    Social studies

    “The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.” ~Esther Perel, author and psychotherapist Are you looking for ways to increase your longevity? Gathering with good friends on a regular basis should be part of your lifestyle plan. Medical experts report that people who socialize regularly are healthier — both mentally and physically. Loneliness can actually shorten your lifespan. That said, keep in mind that difficult or unfulfilling relationships are harmful to your wellbeing — and there’s plenty of research to support the fact. “Relationships that are defined by drama and conflicts all can add a boat-load of stress to daily life,” explains Frank Lipman, M.D. What’s the…

  • Change and challenge,  Community spirit

    Small changes

    “Few of us will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” ~John F. Kennedy Sometimes I’m completely stalled by the notion that I’d have to make a huge effort in order to make a change in this troubled world of ours. It’s so much easier to sit in front of the TV or my computer monitor while I criticize the current state of politics or complain about everything else that’s gone very wrong. But as today’s quote reminds us, each of…

  • Art & Creativity,  Community spirit,  Creativity and discovery

    Kindred spirits

    “If it is true for you, it is true for someone else, and you are no longer alone.” ~Colson Whitehead If you’re a sports fan, one of the thrills of rooting for a team is the sense of unity you experience with your fellow fans. For me, reading books, magazines, and newspaper articles is another way to feel connected to humanity. Whenever I read a piece of writing that lifts my heart or gets me thinking, I believe the author and I are kindred spirits. This happened last week when I read a fabulous New York Times column by David Brooks, who beautifully explained why studying art and the humanities…

  • Christmas,  Community spirit,  Holidays,  Home & Family

    Redefining “family”

    “Family was a bigger word than I imagined, wide and without limitations, if you allowed it, defying easy definition. You had family that was supposed to be family and wasn’t, family that wasn’t family but was….It was possible to lack whole, honest love and connection from family in lead roles, yet to be filled to abundance by the unexpected supporting players.” ~Deb Colette, The Secret Life of Prince Charming The winter holidays traditionally shine a bright light on our family relationships. Sometimes that’s a beautiful thing, and sometimes it’s … complicated. (In yesterday’s post, I shared a column about coping with the loss of loved ones during the holidays.) Whether it’s…

  • Christmas,  Community spirit,  Holiday traditions

    Some thoughts on holiday charity

    “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James It’s easy to dismiss our own actions as inconsequential drops in the bucket of the grand scheme of things. But as William James reminds us in today’s quote, that isn’t true. And before I get started here, I should add that I’m not campaigning for the Salvation Army, though I do appreciate the organization’s year-long efforts to help others in need. But I think about William James’s quote nearly every time I pass the folks who are ringing bells at the entrance of my local grocery store. Since I visit this market almost daily, I encounter these…