Civility and manners

  • Civility and manners,  Friendship and relationship advice,  Politics

    Never assume

    “If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that sometimes our assumptions and preconceived notions are wrong, and therefore, our interpretation of events is incorrect. This causes us to overreact, to take things personally, or to judge people unfairly.” ~Elizabeth Thornton, Scottish author of historical fiction Things aren’t always as they seem. As every great magician knows, audiences interpret everything they see and hear through the filter of their own experience and beliefs. Sometimes they see and hear only what they wish to see and hear. It’s sobering, really, when you consider how easily any situation could be misjudged or misunderstood — or taken personally. For instance, you…

  • Civility and manners,  Friendship and relationship advice


    “Until we can receive with an open heart, we’re never really giving with an open heart.” ~Brene Brown A lot has been written about “the law of abundance,” which suggests that everything you give comes back to you somehow. In short, givers get more than takers. Frugality has its merits, but a generous spirit is rewarded with an abundant slice of life. Yet we don’t talk as much about receiving. This is where things can get tricky. For example, you might feel embarrassed if someone buys you an unexpected gift or does a great favor. You might stress over how to reciprocate. Or, worse yet, you might even take the…

  • Civility and manners,  Inspirational quotes,  Personal growth

    Choices, choices

    “Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. We are what we choose to be.” ~Graham Brown Every day we make choices that tell the world who we are. Our choices can change the course of our lives. And our choices have a ripple effect. The friends we choose, for example, have a powerful influence on our habits, beliefs, and even our reputation. Or, to borrow from the Aesop proverb, “You are not responsible for what your friends do, but you will be judged by the company you keep.” This applies to national politics as well as our personal relationships. How we…

  • Civility and manners,  Communication,  Featured,  Gratitude

    Are thank-you notes old-fashioned?

    “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward In one of her recent advice columns, Amy Dickinson (“Dear Amy”) said the largest percentage of her mail comes from baffled readers who are hurt or angry because they didn’t receive thank-you notes for their gifts. At the same time, many other readers who leave comments on her columns don’t believe it’s necessary to write thank-you notes now. One young bride said she didn’t have time to write thank-you notes for her wedding gifts because her life was “too busy.” (Never mind that she’d found the time to mail out invitations…

  • Civility and manners,  Friendship and relationship advice

    Owning our mistakes

    “Sorry doesn’t take things back, but it pushes things forward. It bridges the gap. Sorry is a sacrament. It’s an offering. A gift.” ~Craig Silvey Mistakes were made. Commentator William Saffire once described the phrase as “a passive-evasive way of acknowledging an error while distancing the speaker from responsibility for it.” In other words, “Mistakes were made” isn’t a real apology. As today’s quote reminds us, a real apology is an offering. An apology shows that you accept your responsibility for a mistake, which elevates you in the eyes of the person you’ve hurt. On the other hand, making excuses for your errors — or trying to justify them —…