Aging well

  • Aging well,  Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Musuem,  Personal growth,  Ray Bradbury

    Living in the past?

    “Nostalgia is also a dangerous form of comparison. Think about how often we compare our lives to a memory that nostalgia has so completely edited that it never really existed.”  ~Brene Brown Psychologists believe acute nostalgia is a symptom of growing old — but I’m not so sure that’s true. I’ve been nostalgic since I was a kid. I’ve always preferred old houses and items with a history, and I find comfort in rereading passages from favorite novels with nostalgic themes. But I know there’s real danger in viewing the past through rose-colored lenses. We might long for a return to certain periods in history, assuming that life was somehow…

  • Aging well,  Choices and decisions,  Health & wellbeing

    The freedom to decide

    At first glance, today’s quote got me thinking about democracy and why it’s imperative to vote in our elections. But then I thought about how “our ultimate freedom” extends far beyond politics. Every single day, our ultimate freedom is expressed in the way we use our talents and opinions; what we choose to eat or drink; how we dress or decorate; what we read; how we care for our health; how we treat others and how we allow others to treat us. Just for starters. Every day, we have the freedom to make countless life-enhancing decisions, including how we spend our time and with whom. Those of us who are…

  • Aging well,  Change,  Fred Rogers


    “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” ~Fred Rogers On the drive from northern Michigan last week, I noticed a few maples showing blushes of red. And this week, the temperature in southeast Michigan is cooling down with the earlier sunsets. Sweater weather. As much as I appreciate the beauty of fall, these signals announce the end of long summer days and strike a melancholy chord in my heart. Autumn is an apt metaphor for aging. Autumn asks us to pause and take stock. How many seasons do we have left? Are we spending our time wisely and well? Are…

  • Aging well,  Motivation


    “One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming.” ~ Morgan Harper Nichols, author and artist Do you ever fight the nagging belief that you haven’t done enough with your life? No matter how accomplished we are, many of us undervalue our achievements and overlook our daily victories. Or we focus too intently on our mistakes or missed opportunities. Try this instead: Take inventory of all that you’ve done — and give yourself the credit you deserve. Count every achievement, small or large, whether it’s raising a family, rescuing a shelter pet, renovating a house, learning to cook, earning a degree, volunteering at a shelter, climbing…

  • Aging well,  Featured,  Gratitude

    Another Year: Thoughts on a Milestone Birthday

    “Every birthday is a gift. Every day is a gift.” — Aretha Franklin A friend jokingly refers to the first week of August as my “birthday week” because I usually take full advantage of the opportunities to celebrate. This time around, however, I’m feeling a bit less celebratory and a lot more reflective. My driver’s license proves that I’ve landed on one of those milestone birthdays — the kind that inspires black balloons from the party store and bad jokes about seniority. For the past two years, I’ve facilitated a monthly workshop/discussion group titled “Aging with Grace & Courage” at a local library. Thanks to this group of thoughtful women,…