
  • Animals,  Funny Friday,  relationships

    Funny Friday: “Whatever it takes”

    “Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do that.”  ~Anonymous quote found on Pinterest We can agree to disagree — and sometimes that works well enough. But sometimes disagreements escalate to the point of no return. When keeping the peace means sacrificing your own integrity and inner peace, well, the best thing you can do is step away and respectfully give the other person extra space. Lots of extra space. ~CL

  • Animals,  Health & wellbeing

    No comparison

    “Envy is ever joined with the comparing of a person’s self. Where there is no comparison, there is no envy.” ~Francis Bacon By now, everyone is familiar with the research on how social media can impact our mental health. While connecting with others online will temporarily ease feelings of isolation and loneliness, the danger of comparing ourselves to others is ever present. When others are posting photos of their outstanding accomplishments, remodeling projects, social lives, or exotic vacations in a Facebook post, for instance, you might struggle with feelings of envy. On the positive side, envy inspires us to achieve goals or become better versions of ourselves. But if we’re…

  • Animals,  Happiness,  Health & wellbeing

    Small treats and rituals

    “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.” ~Iris Murdoch After dinner, my husband and I grab a mug of tea or coffee and head for our favorite chairs to watch World News Tonight with David Muir on TV. Sometimes, on summer evenings, we treat ourselves to ice cream. It’s a ritual that our dog, Coco, happily anticipates — because we also reward her with a handful of dog biscuits if she finished her dinner. Watching her savor each cookie never fails to bring me joy. Sometimes we set our goals impossibly high, deluding ourselves into thinking that happiness depends on huge wins and rewards. But…

  • Animals,  approval seeking,  Health & wellbeing,  Personal growth

    So, the dog ate your homework?

    “When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” ~Dr. Robert Anthony, Beyond Positive Thinking Excuses, excuses. It wasn’t my fault …. It was the wine talking …. I came from a dysfunctional family …. Someone gave me bad advice …. The dog ate my homework. When we make a mess of things or miss the mark, it’s tempting to reach for an easy excuse. We might try to save face by placing the blame on someone or something else — even when we know that we’re responsible for our own mistakes. In today’s quote, psychologist Robert Anthony shines a light on the blame game. He reminds us…

  • Animals,  approval seeking

    Wear your sparkle

    “What other people think of you is none of your business. Judgy criticism often has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. Don’t let their drama dull your sparkle.” ~Kris Carr When I saw this gorgeous shepherd at the Clawson Fourth of July parade, I had to snap her photo. The dog’s owner assured me that she didn’t mind dressing up for special occasions — and that she reveled in all the extra attention she attracted in her tutu. She made everyone smile. I thought about all the times I’ve stopped short of wearing something that other people might consider too flashy or over-the-top. I usually dress to…