
  • Photo stories,  Rumi,  Self-care

    The door inside you

    “Remember: The entrance door to the sanctuary is always inside you.” ~Rumi Whenever I’m stressed or in a bad mood, I usually reach for an easy distraction — reading a novel, surfing the web, or watching X-Files reruns on TV. These diversions provide temporary relief, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But as the poet Rumi says, there is a key to lasting serenity. We won’t find it in the refrigerator or on television, or anywhere outside ourselves. The challenge is learning how to unlock the door to our own place of peace and comfort. ~CL

  • Adventure and exploration,  Personal growth,  Rumi

    Get out of jail free

    “Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?” ~Rumi, Sufi poet Sometimes we create our own obstacles. We might cling to old myths and stories, or make assumptions that aren’t based on fact. Or we might box ourselves into constrictive roles and categories — while doing the same to others. As Rumi reminds us, we have the power to move past the limits we’ve imagined. We can escape the prisons of our own making. How often do you trick yourself into thinking you don’t have the ability to achieve a particular goal? How often do you make false assumptions about yourself and others? How often…

  • Aging well,  Personal growth,  Rumi

    Winter lessons

    “Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” ~Rumi Here in southeast Michigan, it seemed as if our unseasonably warm autumn would last forever. But winter’s chill arrived suddenly, and the leaves are finally down from the trees. The branches outside my office window now form artful silhouettes against December’s pale skies, open and receptive to the next snowfall. Today’s quote from Rumi is a reminder that it’s time for me to shed some things too. One of the beautiful aspects of maturing is that we start to release things that no longer work for us. We can drop our pretenses and surrender the habit of trying to…

  • Competition,  Friendship and relationship advice,  Health & wellbeing,  Rumi


    “Inside the Great Mystery that is, we don’t really own anything. So, what is this competition we feel then, before we walk, one at a time, through the same gate?” ~Rumi Lately I’ve been thinking about competition. Is competition rooted in sibling rivalry or is it simply human nature? Do we compete because we lack something, feel inferior, or need validation? Is competition necessary for our survival? Do trophies and awards really matter? Are we all driven to win or outshine others? Growing up an only child, I learned that many folks — often those from larger families — expected me to be “spoiled” and stingy and attention-seeking. And so,…

  • Friendship and relationship advice,  Personal growth,  Positivity,  Rumi


    “Look carefully around you and recognize the luminosity of souls. Sit beside those who draw you to that.” ~Rumi Other people’s moods — and viewpoints — are contagious. In fact, there’s a clinical study suggesting that we become like the five people with whom we spend most of our time. (This might explain why so many married couples and lifelong best friends actually resemble each other.) According to this theory, if your spouse and peer group are serial pessimists and complainers, you might be one too. It’s also likely that you share the same political views. Psychological studies aside, I’m always drawn to folks who spread their sunshine and draw…