
  • Creativity and discovery,  Mature perspectives,  Motivation

    A light on self-promotion

    “Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” ~Anne Lamott I’ve always been conflicted about self-promotion. As soon as Writing Home was published, I had to set aside any sense of modesty or humility to sell my book (and my brand) to a wider audience beyond my newspaper readership. It usually felt awkward. Over time, I’ve learned to borrow a page from the authors and entrepreneurs who grew up on social media platforms and enjoy putting themselves out there. But like most people my age, I was raised to think it’s not cool to toot your own horn, or talk about…

  • Creativity and discovery,  Motivation,  Writing advice

    Living your dreams or fears?

    “Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” ~Les Brown I met a student who said she wanted to publish a novel but couldn’t find the space in her life to begin it. For starters, she didn’t think she could write without a home office. She wasn’t comfortable typing on the dining room table. Or the kitchen table. Or anywhere else in the house, really. But it wasn’t the interior design of her home that blocked the woman’s dreams of writing. It was fear. Fear is a manipulative trickster. It makes excuses for procrastination; it tells us we’re not good enough; it convinces…

  • Choices and decisions,  Health & wellbeing,  Motivation

    Believe in yourself

    “What you believe yourself to be, you are.” ~Claude M. Bristol, The Magic of Believing World War I veteran Claude Bristol (1891-1951) was a pioneer of the positive thinking movement. He wrote The Magic of Believing to help his fellow veterans adapt to civilian life — yet it also resonated with others who struggled to overcome trauma, self-limiting patterns, or negative attitudes. Bristol was convinced that success in any realm depends on dedication, belief, and character. His philosophy explains how some people triumph over adversity while others remain stuck. In essence, Bristol’s “magic” was about unleashing the power of the subconscious mind. You are what you believe. You achieve what…

  • Motivation,  Personal growth

    Complainers versus problem-solvers

    “When you consistently maintain a positive frame of mind, you’ll become known as a problem-solver rather than a complainer. Mentally healthy people avoid complainers. They seek out problem-solvers.” ~ Joseph Sommerville, PhD, The Five Keys to Interpersonal Success Are you a complainer or a problem-solver? According to behavioral research, if you spend a significant amount of time with complainers and doomsayers, you’re probably sporting a negative attitude, too. When complaining becomes the norm — at home, in the workplace, or in social circles — it’s hard to break the pattern. Negativity is as contagious as it is demoralizing. As renowned psychologist Susan Albers puts it, complaining is like a virus. It…

  • Adventure and exploration,  approval seeking,  Motivation

    Are you feeling stuck?

    “You will either step forward into growth, or you will step backward into safety.” ~Abraham Maslow This is the time of year when we’re likely to feel stagnant. The calendar tells us it’s spring, but the weather isn’t convinced yet — and we’d rather not dig in the garden until it’s warmer outside. Feeling stuck isn’t just a symptom of cabin fever; it can sneak up on you anywhere, any time of the year. For starters, you’re stuck when you keep making the same recipes for dinner because you’re too tired to find new ones. Maybe you’re feeling stuck at home but can’t summon the motivation to make plans with…