The family columnist
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today.” ~Stacia Tauscher
Using our kids as fodder for Facebook posts, blog posts, or newspaper columns is hardly new. But it was a thought-provoking exercise for me to revisit my own column-writing days in a “Home Forum” essay for The Christian Science Monitor. How much ink is appropriate to give our kids? Are we bragging or exploiting? How can we avoid overstepping personal boundaries or violating our children’s privacy? Please click here to read the essay. –CL
Another wonderful column! And such a great picture of your and “your subject!”
Lynne, as always, you’re a peach! Thank you 🙂
Debra Darvick
Wonderful photo and oh yes I know that push-pull. Whose life is it anyway and who’s got rights to the story! treading carefully might not sell newspapers but it sure won’t play havoc with your most cherished relationships.
Well said, Debra. I often worry about the kids whose parents are brutally honest in their writings.
I must admit that I am guilty of this. I worried so much when they were young, and usually with good reason!
But today, as our girls turn 31 and 21, I have to say, I love who they have become 🙂
Can you hear my sigh of relief?
Bridgette, knowing you, I am pretty sure what you wrote about your girls was pretty “tame” compared with what I’ve reading in countless mommy blogs over the past 10 yrs. Some writers will stop at nothing to get readership and attention — while their poor kids melt in the spotlight.
That said, as I noted in the CS Monitor essay, even the cute little family anecdotes can be a source of embarrassment for a child. Like you, I am relieved that my son has grown up relatively “undamaged” … and I owe him a debt of gratitude for his patience and good sportsmanship 🙂