• Photo stories

    Pictures from an exhibition

    “If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will answer as an artist: I am here to live out loud.” ~Émile Zola Our exhibit at The Box Factory for the Arts, St. Joseph. MI / Cindy La Ferle ________________ Two weeks ago, I mentioned the opening of our art exhibit, “Curiouser & Curiouser: The Art of Cindy and Doug La Ferle,” at The Box Factory for the Arts in St. Joseph, MI.  “The Importance of Ancestors” by Cindy La Ferle Recovering from multiple surgeries on my eyelid at the time, I was unable to help Doug set up the show or attend the opening. But I did make it…

  • Personal growth,  Photo stories

    Good company

    “I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”  ~Brene Brown You’re my cup of tea / Cindy La Ferle ______________ Please visit the home page for additional content and social media sharing options.   Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. 

  • Photo stories

    The natural order of things

    “Everything comes to you at the right time.  Don’t push, don’t rush. Be patient.”  ~Lessonslearnedinlife.com Late summer roadside beauty / Cindy La Ferle ___________________ Please visit the home page for additional content and social media sharing options.   Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices. 

  • Photo stories

    Quirky people

    “You’re the strangest person I ever met,” she said. And I said, “You, too.”And we decided we’d know each other a long time. ~Brian Andreas Sidewalk discoveries / Cindy La Ferle __________ To view additional content and social media sharing options, please visit the home page. Some content doesn’t appear on digital devices.

  • Photo stories


    “When we are very clear that we want to shine — and that we deserve to shine —then we attract into our lives the kindof relationships that help us do that.”~Marianne Williamson The beach at LeBear, Glen Arbor, MI / Cindy La Ferle ____________ Please visit the home page for additional content and social media sharing options.   Parts of this blog do not show on digital devices.