Random acts of authenticity
“Authenticity is not needing external approval to feel good about your actions.” ~Jess Lively, The Lively Show
Once in a while, it’s healthy to question our own motives. How often do we take a beautiful photo that we don’t intend to publish or show anyone else? How often do we create a work of art, write a story, redecorate a room, or buy a “no-reason” gift for someone — just because it makes us happy? How often do we give generously of our time or resources without expecting acknowledgement, praise, approval, or something else in return?
Just for today, try creating or doing something just for yourself. Start by taking a photo of wildflowers you spotted on a walk, a harvest of vegetables at the market, or a still life you created at home. Don’t post it on social media. Simply appreciate it. ~CL