• Halloween,  Holiday traditions

    Happy Halloween!

    “There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.” ~Robert Brault The practice of trick-or-treating actually began a few hundred years ago in Europe as an All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2) tradition. The less fortunate would visit the homes of wealthier families and receive pastries known as “soul cakes” in exchange for a promise to pray for the souls of the homeowners’ deceased relatives. The tradition was called souling and was later adopted by children. In Scotland and Ireland — where many of today’s Halloween traditions began — children and young adults disguised themselves in costumes and asked for small…

  • approval seeking,  Art & Creativity,  Health & wellbeing

    No comparison

    “When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”~Lao Tzu Ours is a culture of competition. We have televised sports 24/7 — not to mention those countless game shows, dancing and singing competitions, and cooking contests. No matter what the endeavor, there’s a contest for it. There’s always another trophy to win; another team to conquer; another score to beat. The not-so-subtle message: To be your best, you gotta top somebody else. It’s all fun and games, for the most part — unless we take it too seriously. Comparing and competing can be dangerous to our wellbeing if we’re not careful. If…

  • Halloween,  Kid stories

    Be who you are

    “Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.” ~Lady Gaga Halloween is twice as much fun now that we have a grandchild who’s old enough to enjoy the festivities and spooky decorations. Last weekend, we took three-year-old Liam to the Zoo Boo event at the Detroit Zoo, where he could show off his costume for the first time in public. This year he chose to be “Super Liam,” drawing inspiration from his favorite superheroes. The costume was his own idea, and with a little help from his parents he sported a purple cape, a mask, and green suit complete…

  • approval seeking,  Fashion,  Health & wellbeing


    “Never dull your shine for somebody else.” ~Tyra Banks “I don’t want to look as if I’m trying too hard,” a friend would say every time she chose an outfit for a special event. I believe she meant that she wanted her appearance to seem natural, not over the top. But she took the idea a little too seriously, and wouldn’t even wear a full costume to a Halloween party. I’ve always cringed at the thought of calculated nonchalance, or pretending that you didn’t “try too hard” — for anything. Where’s the shame in shining your brightest light and giving others permission to do the same? Furthermore, what message are…

  • Aging well,  Health & wellbeing,  Inspirational quotes

    When things get crazy

    “The world is a puzzle. There’s no need to make sense out of it.” ~Socrates Sometimes it feels as if the whole world is falling apart. If old Socrates thought his life was a puzzle, I wonder what he’d think of our lives today? The best we can do, at times, is throw our hands in the air and surrender to the chaos — without adding any more to it. Sometimes we can’t save the world or even clean out the whole garage. As any good philosopher will tell you, there are situations beyond our immediate control. But we can always take care of our own little corner of the…