The telling tale
“Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.” ~Oprah Winfrey
Everyone has a defining story or two. When you think of friends or family members, for instance, which roles or stories immediately spring to mind? There’s the middle child, the kid brother, or the devoted wife and mother. There’s the risk taker, the organizer, the shy one, the needy one, the artist, the generous one, the stingy one, the drama queen, the bossy one, the reliable one, and the genius — just to name a few. Some of us base (or blame) our personal narratives on a life-altering event or a trauma — the death of a loved one, a chronic illness, a career change, the birth of a child, a divorce, or a near-death experience. Are your own stories holding you back or shaping your destiny in positive ways? ~CL
Photo by Cindy La Ferle