• Marjorie Holmes,  Photo stories

    Merry Christmas to all

    “On Christmas, all roads lead home.”  ~Marjorie Holmes Cindy La Ferle _____________ Please visit the home page for additional content, social media sharing options,  or to subscribe for daily email updates from this blog.   I’m sending my very best wishes to all of you along with my gratitude for the many thoughtful emails you’ve sent throughout the year. Please note that I’m on a holiday break, starting today. Subscribers will receive notice as soon as I resume posting. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~Cindy La Ferle

  • Garden tour,  Photo stories

    Realistic expectations

    “There are two ways to be happy: Improve your reality or lower your expectations.” ~Jodi Picoult Apollo’s Holiday Hairdo – 2018 / Cindy La Ferle _______ Please visit the home page for social media sharing options, or to subscribe for daily email updates from this blog.  Some content does not appear on digital devices.

  • Cheryl Richardson,  Photo stories

    Ringing in the new

    “Plans change. People disappoint. Traditions expire. Release your expectations for the holidays and be open to surprise.” ~Cheryl Richardson Christmas on Washington Blvd., Royal Oak / Cindy La Ferle _______ Please visit the home page for social media sharing options, or to subscribe for daily email updates from this blog.  Some content does not appear on digital devices.