My art in a magazine
Your art is what you do when no one can tell you exactly how to do it. Your art is the act of taking personal responsibility, challenging the status quo, and changing people.” — Seth Godin
I’ve been publishing my essays and articles since I was in college, yet I still get that little thrill each time I see my byline in a glossy magazine or a newspaper. Until this year, though, I didn’t have the nerve to submit my artwork to publishers — so I was honored when two of my pieces were chosen to illustrate the Rust Belt Rising Almanac this spring.
Another exciting “first” for me: getting my work published in Cloth, Paper, Scissors, a full-color national magazine for mixed-media and collage artists.
The January/February 2014 issue of CPS includes my essay on struggling to call myself an “artist” — a theme that speaks to writers and artists alike. My essay is illustrated with a full-page color photo of “The Importance of Ancestors,” a mixed-media piece of mine that’s been displayed in juried art competitions in Michigan. You’ll find the magazine at Michaels craft stores or Barnes & Noble, in the art magazine section.

jill m. mackie
Congratulations Cindy!! Be proud . . .
Cindy La Ferle
Jill, so nice to hear from you. Drop me an email sometime (you can reach me through the message option on this blog) and let me know how YOU are!! Thanks for your comment, too. Happy New Year!
Congrats, Cindy! I will have to grab a copy of this magazine!!
Cheryl Wright
Congratulations Cindy.
Mary Benedetto
Congratulations, Cindy! How exciting!
Samantha Pattison
So excited for you Cindy! You are a true artist in do many fields 🙂
Samantha Pattison
That is so many fields!
I loved the project that was shown in this artilce…do you have a place with #1 what you used to create it and #2 anything else you have created…would love to see more!
Cindy La Ferle
Hi Kim — Thanks for asking about the piece shown in the article. I don’t have a how-to piece on that, but will consider working on one. If you check the “Categories” section of this blog, click on “My Artwork” and you’ll find a few tutorials on other projects. Thanks again!
Lisa @ Grandma's Briefs
Congratulations! Much deserved! Your art — no matter the medium — touches the heart. Kudos to you, Cindy.
Cindy La Ferle
Thanks so much, Lisa — so nice of you to comment. I have been enjoyed your blog, too.