Photo stories

  • Health & wellbeing,  Personal growth,  Photo stories

    It’s OK if you’re not busy

    “If nothing’s working for you, if you feel as though you’re pushing forward against the grain, the most productive and proactive thing you can do is nothing. Nature is turning you inward, to gain power through peace, rather than outward to gain power through activity.” ~Martha Beck Sometimes I feel ashamed if I’m not being productive, even on a vacation. I still try to check my email and answer it, or take notes on projects I could work on later … Even if I’m only spinning my wheels, I want to believe I’m accomplishing something. I’m simply following the cultural norm. “I’m busy” isn’t just a catchphrase, after all. Most people…

  • Personal growth,  Photo stories

    The dead-end road

    “Self-pity is a dead-end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It’s up to you to decide to stay parked there or to turn around and drive out.” ~Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things Have you ever found yourself totally blown off course by relatively minor problems and petty annoyances? (Been there, done that.) Then again, you’ve probably faced some major challenges and losses with bravery — and moved forward with grace. The road of life isn’t always smooth for anyone. But today’s quote suggests that every single one of us has a choice when encountering road blocks. We can feel sorry for ourselves and stay stuck — or…

  • Holidays,  Photo stories

    Memorial Day

    “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt There’s an important difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. On Veteran’s Day we honor those who served in our U.S. military; on Memorial Day we commemorate those who died defending our country. But we might lose sight of the sobering reason for Memorial Day while we enjoy our family picnics, plant our gardens, or shop the holiday sales. So, no matter what you’re doing with your long weekend, please pause to remember the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the countless privileges we enjoy today. As novelist Cynthia Ozick wrote, “We often take for…

  • Grief and loss,  Motherhood,  Photo stories

    September memories of Mom

    “There’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother’s story, because hers is where yours begin.” ~Mitch Albom, One More Day September is a bittersweet month — a month of longer shadows, golden light, shorter evenings, and rich, poignant sunsets. It’s the month when cottages are closed for the summer, school resumes, sweaters are pulled from storage, and autumn officially begins. In a way that only September can do, it feels like both a beginning and an ending. September 20…

  • Friendship and relationship advice,  Photo stories,  reciprocation,  relationships

    The right balance

     “Good relationships are built on mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual effort.” ~Mona Sutphen I once read an article by a therapist who suggested that “imbalance” is often at the root of relationship trouble. When any relationship feels off, the therapist advised, it helps to do a reality check and consider what could be out of balance. Am I talking more than listening? Am I taking more than giving? Am I initiating social activities or just waiting for someone to call me? Understandably, we all have times when we fall short of being present in the ways people need us. Then again, sometimes we expect more than someone can give…