You can’t know it all
“It’s high time you were shown
that you don’t really know
all there is to be known.”
~Dr. Seuss
Like most four-year-olds, our young grandson is an expert on a wide range of topics. Whenever we think we’re sharing something new with him, his typical response is, “I already knew that.” It cracks me up every time.
I’m also very familiar with the adult know-it-all. You know the type: When you try to share fresh information or introduce an interesting topic, the know-it-all has already been there, seen it, or done that. You can’t possibly show or tell them anything new. And they’re always on the lookout for opportunities to inform or correct you.
Unless you’re a four-year old, know-it-all behavior isn’t amusing or adorable. Paradoxically, it’s often a sign of insecurity.
But here’s some good news for the day: You won’t look silly or uncool if you admit you don’t know something. In fact, when you realize that you can’t possibly know everything, you open yourself to countless opportunities to learn and grow. You might even discover something wonderful and new. ~CL