Creativity and discovery

  • Arts & crafts,  Creativity and discovery

    Love & inspiration

    “Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can ever go wrong.” ~Ella Fitzgerald I’m lucky to have so many talented people in my life. One friend knits the most charming creations, including toys for my grandson. Others create breathtaking landscape art with their cameras, and a few turn their photos or watercolors into greeting card prints. Still others are outstanding quilters, musicians, painters, writers, cooks, or designers. It doesn’t matter whether or not they market or perform their work. Or if they’re published or famous. What matters is that they make creativity part of their everyday lives — and inspire the rest of us to use our…

  • Books change lives,  Creativity and discovery,  Motivation

    Who are your heroes?

    “One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are.” ~Steve Jobs, Cofounder of Apple, Inc. In the sixth grade, I was deeply moved and inspired by the courage of diarist Anne Frank, who earned literary fame after her death with the 1947 publication of The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne started her diary after she turned 13, recording the details of her life in hiding (from 1942 to 1944) during the German occupation of the Netherlands. After reading it for the first time, I sobbed for days at the thought of how a young girl — not much older than I was then —…

  • Arts & crafts,  Creativity and discovery

    Your inner artist

    “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” ~Pablo Picasso Remember the delicious, waxy scent of a brand-new box of Crayola crayons? Remember those neon-bright shades of Play-Doh? Whether your favorite craft-time activity was coloring, finger-painting, or sculpting dinosaurs, you were an artist when you were a kid. It’s never too late to rediscover your artistic talents if you haven’t already. Oil painting, sketching, card-making, quilting, knitting, glass-blowing, calligraphy, photography … There’s a whole world of creative fun out there. Silence your inner critic, make a mess, make mistakes — and enjoy the process. How about a field trip to an…

  • Arts & crafts,  Creativity and discovery,  Personal growth

    Pebbles and mistakes

    “My life is full of mistakes. They’re like pebbles that make a good road.” ~Beatrice Wood, ceramic artist With the year rolling to a close, I’ve been thinking about everything I’d change, repair, or handle differently if I had a few “do over” opportunities. As usual, I see things more clearly in retrospect. Artists know that mistakes and missteps can serve as material for a work of art. And if you look at your own life as a work of art, you’ll see that a few of the things that seemed wrong or looked broken at the time eventually helped shape who you are. Maybe your mistakes taught you a…